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Tab 0.3
Bevölkerung, Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie Studierende nach Geschlecht, Alter und Bildungsbereichen 2023
Data licence Germany attribution 2.0
Tab 1.9.2a
Financing structure (final funds) of the spending on education, by education areas 2020
Data licence Germany attribution 2.0
Tab 1.9.2b
Financing structure (original source of funds) of the spending on education, by education areas 2021
Data licence Germany attribution 2.0
Tab 2.4.21
Auszubildende in den 20 am stärksten besetzten Ausbildungsberufen nach Rangfolge 2023
Data licence Germany attribution 2.0
Tab 2.4.22
Männliche Auszubildende in den 20 am stärksten besetzten Ausbildungsberufen nach Rangfolge 2023
Data licence Germany attribution 2.0
Tab 2.4.23
Weibliche Auszubildende in den 20 am stärksten besetzten Ausbildungsberufen nach Rangfolge 2023
Data licence Germany attribution 2.0
Tab 2.4.38
Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2024
Tab 2.4.38 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2023
Tab 2.4.38 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2022
Tab 2.4.38 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2021
Tab 2.4.38 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2020
Tab 2.4.38 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2019
Tab 2.4.38 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2018
Tab 2.4.38 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2017
Tab 2.4.38 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2016
Tab 2.4.38 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2015
Tab 2.4.38 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2014
Tab 2.4.38 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2013
Tab 2.4.38 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2012
Tab 2.4.38 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2011
Tab 2.4.38 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2010
Tab 2.4.38 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2009
Tab 2.4.39
Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2024
Tab 2.4.39 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2023
Tab 2.4.39 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2022
Tab 2.4.39 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2021
Tab 2.4.39 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2020
Tab 2.4.39 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2019
Tab 2.4.39 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2018
Tab 2.4.39 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2017
Tab 2.4.39 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2016
Tab 2.4.39 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2015
Tab 2.4.39 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2014
Tab 2.4.39 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2013
Tab 2.4.39 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2012
Tab 2.4.39 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2011
Tab 2.4.39 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2010
Tab 2.4.39 (Archive)
Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2009
Tab 2.5.26
Studierende an Universitäten und Kunsthochschulen nach Fachsemestern, Hochschulsemestern und den 15 am stärksten besetzten Studienbereichen im Wintersemester 2023/2024
Data licence Germany attribution 2.0
Tab 2.5.29
Studierende an Fachhochschulen nach Fachsemestern, Hochschulsemestern und den 15 am stärksten besetzten Studienbereichen im Wintersemester 2023/2024
Data licence Germany attribution 2.0
Tab 2.5.112
Full-time academic and creative arts staff, by age, type of higher education institution, highest higher education degree and type of employment 2023
Data licence Germany attribution 2.0
Tab 2.7.8
Teilnehmende an Maßnahmen zur beruflichen Weiterbildung nach Alter, Bildungsabschluss und Ländern 2020
Data licence Germany attribution 2.0
Tab 2.7.11
Participation in continuing education, by age groups and sex 2022
Data licence Germany attribution 2.0
Tab 2.7.21
Angebot und Infrastruktur betrieblicher Weiterbildung in Unternehmen nach Wirtschaftsbereichen 2020
Data licence Germany attribution 2.0
Tab 2.7.22
Participation, amount of time and costs of continuing vocational education in enterprises, by economic sectors 2020
Data licence Germany attribution 2.0
Tab 2.7.26
Teilnehmende an Fernunterrichtslehrgängen nach Themenbereichen und Geschlecht 2023
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