1) Population aged 18 to under 25 who are not in education or training and do not have an upper secondary education degree. The German Sustainable Development Strategy 2021 sets a target of 9.5% for this indicator by the year 2030.
2) The comparability of the results of the 2017 Microcensus with previous years is limited by methodological effects (including a change in the sample basis to the 2011 census) as well as the unusually strong immigration, especially by asylum seekers. Technical problems and ongoing effects of the Corona pandemic led to restrictions in the data collection for the Microcensus in the reporting years 2020 and 2021. Therefore, the year 2020 is only very limitedly comparable to previous years. In the years 2021 and 2022, these effects were significantly less pronounced than in the respective previous year.
3) Data in parentheses ( ) = statement value limited because the numerical value is statistically uncertain.
4) The increased immigration in 2022 is not fully reflected in the Microcensus, which may have potential effects on the interpretation of results.
5) Preliminary results of the 2023 Microcensus.
6) The category EU average reflects the current status of EU membership of the states in the respective reference year (as of 2020, EU countries without the United Kingdom).

c = too few observations to provide reliable estimates. The calculation of the Länder averages includes those figures.
m = data not available.

Last update: June 3, 2024

This work is licensed under a Data licence Germany attribution 2.0.