Terms A-Z

This glossary contains definitions of the terms from the topic areas Education, Science, Research and Innovation, and is regularly updated. The glossary terms are alphabetically ordered.

Labour force

The labour force comprises all civilians in dependent employment, self-employed people and family workers. This includes ... employees subject to social insurance contributions, apprentices, people in marginal employment, civil servants (not including soldiers), unemployed people, self-employed people
and family workers.


Länder codes (German states)

BW = Baden-Württemberg
BY = Bavaria
BE = Berlin
BB = Brandenburg
HB = Bremen
HH = Hamburg
HE = Hesse
MV = Mecklenburg-Western
... Pomerania
NI = Lower Saxony
NW = North Rhine-Westphalia
RP = Rhineland-Palatinate
SL = Saarland
SN = Saxony
ST = Saxony-Anhalt
SH = Schleswig-Holstein
TH = Thuringia
