Tab 1.9.6Basic data of the educational system (educational participation in national demarcation)Time Series: 1995 - 2023Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.51Wissenschaftliches und künstlerisches Personal nach HerkunftsstaatenTime Series: 2005 - 2023Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.55Hochschulpersonal nach Hochschularten und PersonalgruppenTime Series: 1992 - 2023Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.56Hochschulpersonal nach Hochschularten und HochschulenTime Series: 2014 - 2023Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.57Hochschulpersonal nach Personalgruppen, Hochschularten und LändernTime Series: 2000 - 2023Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.58Hauptberufliches wissenschaftliches und künstlerisches Personal nach Hochschularten und Personal-/VergütungsgruppenTime Series: 2000 - 2023Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.60Haupt- und nebenberufliches wissenschaftliches und künstlerisches Personal nach Fächergruppen und Personal-/VergütungsgruppenTime Series: 2000 - 2023Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.67Durchschnittsalter bei der Habilitation nach FächergruppenTime Series: 1985 - 2023Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.81 (BuFI 18)Doctorates and habilitations, by subject groups and sexTime Series: 1996 - 2023Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.82Higher education staff, by subject groups and sexTime Series: 2000 - 2023Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.83Share of males and females in various status and degree groups in the field of higher educationTime Series: 1993 - 2023Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.102Habilitations total, of males, females, Germans and foreigners, by LänderTime Series: 1992 - 2023Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.108Personal in Hochschulleitungen nach Hochschularten, Geschlecht und Art der PositionTime Series: 2017 - 2023Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.109Studierende, Studienanfängerinnen und Studienanfänger, Absolventinnen und Absolventen sowie Personal an Berufsakademien nach Ländern und GeschlechtTime Series: 2017 - 2023Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.111Promovierende nach Fächergruppen, Geschlecht und Beschäftigungsverhältnis an der Hochschule der PromotionTime Series: 2019 - 2023Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.112Full-time academic and creative arts staff, by age, type of higher education institution, highest higher education degree and type of employment 2023Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.112 (Archive)Full-time academic and creative arts staff, by age, type of higher education institution, highest higher education degree and type of employment 2022Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.112 (Archive)Full-time academic and creative arts staff, by age, type of higher education institution, highest higher education degree and type of employment 2021Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.112 (Archive)Full-time academic and creative arts staff, by age, type of higher education institution, highest higher education degree and type of employment 2020Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.112 (Archive)Full-time academic and creative arts staff, by age, type of higher education institution, highest higher education degree and type of employment 2019Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.112 (Archive)Full-time academic and creative arts staff, by age, type of higher education institution, highest higher education degree and type of employment 2018Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table
Tab 2.5.112 (Archive)Full-time academic and creative arts staff, by age, type of higher education institution, highest higher education degree and type of employment 2017Data licence Germany attribution 2.0Table