Education and Research in Figures 2022

All 64 tables and figures from the brochure are listed below and are available as PDF files. References are also made to the additional information in the related portal tables, providing longer time series for example.

HTML versions of tables are barrier-free. PDF versions represent for layout reasons partly only current extract of specified time series, whereas in HTML and Excel entire time series are always shown.

Fig. 1

Strukturdaten für Deutschland (2016-2020)


Tab 0.1

Structural data of Germany

Time Series: 1960 - 2022

Tab 1.1.6 (BuFI 6)

Expenditure on science, research and development by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), by funding areas and funding priorities

Time Series: 2009 - 2023

Data licence Germany attribution 2.0

Fig. 30

Verteilung von Schülerinnen und Schülern mit sonderpädagogischem Förderbedarf auf Förderschulen und allgemeine Schulen (2000/2012-2020)

Data licence Germany attribution 2.0


Fig. 31

Anteil der Studienberechtigten an der altersspezifischen Bevölkerung (Studienberechtigtenquote) nach Art der Hochschulreife (1980-2020)

Data licence Germany attribution 2.0


Fig. 33

Übergang von der Schule in den nachschulischen Werdegang – Entwicklung von Anfängerinnen und Anfängern in ausgewählten iABE-Sektoren und Studienanfängerinnen und -anfängern (2005-2021)

Data licence Germany attribution 2.0


Fig. 35

Neu abgeschlossene Ausbildungsverträge von Männern in den 20 am stärksten besetzten Ausbildungsberufen (2021)


Tab 2.4.38

Newly concluded training contracts of males in the 20 most popular training occupations 2023

Fig. 36

Neu abgeschlossene Ausbildungsverträge von Frauen in den 20 am stärksten besetzten Ausbildungsberufen (2021)


Tab 2.4.39

Newly concluded training contracts of females in the 20 most popular training occupations 2023

Tab 2.5.73

First-year students (first enrolment) and percentage of first-year students, by sex and Land in which the higher education entrance qualification has been acquired

Time Series: 1997 - 2023

Data licence Germany attribution 2.0

Tab 2.5.73

First-year students (first enrolment) and percentage of first-year students, by sex and Land in which the higher education entrance qualification has been acquired

Time Series: 1997 - 2023

Data licence Germany attribution 2.0

Tab 2.5.74

People qualified to enter higher education half a year after school-leaving: Percentage range of people who pursue higher education, by sex and region of origin

Time Series: 2002 - 2018

Data licence Germany attribution 2.0
