Source: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, special evaluation
This table also appears in the Federal Report on Research and Innovation as Table 8.

1) Possible deviations from earlier publications due to subsequent changes in the allocation to R&D or subsequent changes in the allocation to the recipient groups are possible. Possible rounding differences.
2) 2009 to 2011, including investment and redemption fund excluding allocations to the Länder (economic stimulus package - Konjunkturpaket II). As of 2011, including "Energy and climate fund". 2016, including future investments.
3) Including Federal Armed Forces universities.
4) Not including basic funding for DFG and funding for collaborative research centres.
5) Not including funding of international organisations abroad.
6) Including basic funding for DFG and funding for collaborative research centres. Without funds for the Leibniz Association. Depending on the classification of the institution, they are assigned to either the Other non-profit science organisations or to the Länder institutions with research and development tasks.
7) Including funding to promote contract research; differentiation in keeping with the classification of economic activities; not including funding for business enterprises abroad.
8) The departments' scopes of responsibilities and their names correspond to the organisational division of the 20th legislative period's Federal Government. To ensure comparability between individual years, expenditures were retrospectively adjusted or implemented to reflect the current organizational division when there were changes in the allocation of responsibilities between government departments.

Last update: July 29, 2024

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